

Selected Teachings / 0383-1099

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CS0383 - How Demons Gain Access Into a Life
CS0427 - Satan's Public Humiliation and Defeat
CS0450 - Repentance: the Foundation for Everything Else
CS0521 - End Times Series Part 1 - Are You Ready?
CS0523 - End Times Series Part 2 - Daniel's Seventy Weeks
CS0527 - End Times Series Part 3 - The First Six Beast Empires
CS0527 - End Times Series Part 4 - The Seventh and Eighth Beast Empires
CS0530 - End Times Series Part 5 - The First Three and One-half Years
CS0534 - End Times Series Part 6 - The Abomination of Desolation
CS0539 - End Times Series Part 7 - Israel's Flight to the Wilderness
CS0544 - Many are Called, but Few are Disciples
CS0541 - End Times Series Part 8 - The Reign of the Anti-Christ
CS0558 - Gathered for Power
CS0581 - Meekness: The Fruit of Power
CS0591 - Why Knowing the Word is so Vital
CS0612 - Why God Allows Demonic Infestation
CS0613 - The Word vs. the Spirit: Finding the Balance
CS0624 - Freedom from the Deep Hurts of Rejection
CS0625 - Joseph Series Part 1 - Overcoming Generational Sins
CS0655 - A Chief Reason that Believers Get Caught in Witchcraft
CS0656 - Bitterness: Witchcraft's Most Common Root
CS0657 - Judgmentalism: How Witchcraft Works in Relationships
CS0658 - Why Church Gossip is as Bad as Witchcraft
CS0661 - Slaying the Leviathan Dragon of Pride
CS0666 - Satan's Persistence versus Your Resistance
CS0673 - The Tabernacle: God's Protocol of Praise - Part 1
CS0674 - The Tabernacle: God's Protocol of Praise - Part 2
CS0675 - The Tabernacle: God's Protocol of Praise - Part 3
CS0686 - Respect: the Secret to Every Relationship
CS0693 - The Jezebel-Ahab Spirit: How Satan Brings Division
CS0695 - Freedom from Exploding and Imploding Anger
CS0696 - Freedom from the Bondage of Lustful Cravings
CS0698 - What You Can Do to See Others Change
CS0715 - Humility: the Key to Everything Else - Part 1
CS0716 - Humility: the Key to Everything Else - Part 2
CS0719 - Keys to Overcome Discouragement Every Time
CS0721 - Accelerating Separation from You and Demons
CS0723 - Tithing Your Time: How to Have a "Demon-Free" Day
CS0729 - Satan's Three "Killer Deceptions"
CS0742 - How to Stop God in His Tracks
CS0747 - Overcoming the Fear of What Others Think About You
CS0764 - Never Let Anything Close Your Spirit
CS0766 - Dead to Self or Demonized: Take Your Pick!
CS0770 - Three Deceptions that Perpetuate the Grip of Sin
CS0778 - Learning to Move in Gut-level Mercy - Part 1
CS0779 - Learning to Move in Gut-level Mercy - Part 2
CS0781 - Learning to Move in Gut-level Mercy - Part 3
CS0782 - Whatever You DO, You've Gotta' Forgive Yourself
CS0784 - How to Keep the Devil Out of Your Life - Part 1 (low quality)
CS0785 - How to Keep the Devil Out of Your Life - Part 2 (low quality)
CS0786 - How to Keep the Devil Out of Your Life - Part 3 (low quality)
CS0794 - Taking On and Overcoming Territorial Spirits
CS0795 - Prerequisites to Seeing Your Giftings Released - Part 1
CS0797 - Prerequisites to Seeing Your Giftings Released - Part 2
CS0808 - How to Finally Kill Off Those Compulsive Cravings (poor quality)
CS0809 - Seeing in the Spirit (poor quality)
CS0825 - In Thy Light, We Shall See Light
CS0844 - Totally Disrupting Satan's Strategies Against You
CS0845 - Freedom from the Accusing Voices of Guilt
CS0846 - How Close Are You Standing to the Cross?
CS0906- Fasting: Getting Out of the Way So God Can Move
CS0907 - Digging Out Stubborn Strongholds Through Fasting
CS0918 - Genuine Repentance Sets You Permanently Free
CS0920 - Understanding the "You Go First" Principle of Faith
CS0921 - Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification
CS0922 - The Secret to Spiritual Leadership
CS0923 - Only That Which is Dead Gets Resurrected
CS0924 - If God Loves Us, Why Does He Allow Suffering
CS0936 - Healing Wounded Spirits and Bruised Emotions
CS0944 - Bondage Breaking Praise and Worship
CS0947 - The Awesome Demon Crushing Power Of High Praise
CS0953 - Freedom from the Heaviness of Discouragement
CS0955 - Charity Series Part 1 - Love is Patient and Longsuffering
CS0956 - Charity Series Part 2 - Love is never Jealous or Envious
CS0957 - Charity Series Part 3 - Love is Never Boastful
CS0958 - Charity Series Part 4 - Love is Never Haughty or Proud
CS0958 - Charity Series Part 4 - Love is Never Haughty or Proud
CS0965 - Freedom from the Deep Hurts of Rejection
CS0969 - How 'agape' Love Deactivates Curses - Part 1
CS0970 - How 'agape' Love Deactivates Curses - Part 2
CS0976 - Marriage, Singleness, and Community Lifestyle
CS0990 - Freedom from Fear of What Others Think About You
CS0992 - Deliverance from the Crippling Spirit of Fear
CS0999 - Powerful Principles of Praise - Part 1
CS1001 - Mass Deliverance from Guilt and Shame
CS1002 - Mass Deliverance from Fear and Anxiety
CS1003 - Mass Deliverance from Addictions and Compulsions
CS1004 - Mass Deliverance from Lust and Perversion
CS1005 - Mass Deliverance from Pride and Rebellion
CS1006 - Mass Deliverance from Occult and Antichrist Spirits
CS1008 - Mass Deliverance from Sickness and Infirmity
CS1009 - What You've Got to Know to be Intimate with Jesus
CS1012 - Warfare Scriptures to Crush Guilt and Shame
CS1015 -Who You Really Are Mirrors Through Your Face and Eyes
CS1024 - Overcoming Sin by Appropriating the Blood
CS1026 - Overcoming Sin by Shifting Your Focus
CS1030 - Overcoming Sin through Committed Accountability
CS1034 - Why You Should Absolutely Speak in Tongues
CS1036 - The Power of Tongues to Deepen and Increase Discernment
CS1037 - Overcoming the Enticing Power of Temptations
CS1039 - The Power of Tongues to Overcome Temptations
CS1041 - The Power of Tongues in Fighting Spiritual Warfare
CS1046 - Do You React from Hurt or Respond from Love?
CS1048 - Living the Crucified Life
CS1050 - The Eternal Benefit of Day-to-Day Disciplines
CS1051 - Increasing Your Ability to Perceive Things in the Spirit
CS1054 - Correcting Spiritual Near-Sightedness
CS1056 - Natural, Spiritual, and Supernatural Discernment
CS1067 - Moving in the Gift "Discerning of Spirits"
CS1069 - Receive Correction or Be Deceived: Your Choice
CS1073 - Eliminating the Spiritual Roots of Sickness - Part 1
CS1074 - Eliminating the Spiritual Roots of Sickness - Part 2
CS1079 - How Unclean Spirits Get In and How to Get Them Out
CS1080 - The Lifelong Results of Cursing or Judging your Parents
CS1081 - Exposing the Root Spirits that Keep You Sick
CS1082 - How to Minister Deliverance to Yourself
CS1084 - Why God at Times Heals and at Times Doesn't
CS1089 - Coming Out from Behind Masks and Learning to Be Real
CS1094 - Breaking Satan's Chains of Bondage
CS1096 - How to Stop Compulsive Behavior Once and For All
CS1097 - Others May, You Cannot
CS1099 - Powerful Principles of Praise - Part 1


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