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Selected Teachings / 1400-1499

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1400 - The Humanistic Side of Preaching God's Love
1401 - God's End-Time Prophetic Calendar - Part 1
1402 - Body Life - Part 1 - Early Church Models
1403 - Faith Without Works is Dead
1404 - Body Life - Part 2 - Members One of Another
1405 - Kicking Over a Mojor Sacred Cow
1406 - Kicking Over the Biggest Sacred Cow of them All
1407 - Body Life - Part 3 - God Sets the Members as it Pleases Him
1408 - The Tragic Missing Part of Today's Plan of Salvation - Part 1
1409 - The Tragic Missing Part of Today's Plan of Salvation - Part 2
1410 - The Last Words Of Mary The Mother Of Jesus
1411 - If We Would Judge Ourselves, We Would Not Be Judged
1412 - Whatever He Says, Come And Do It
1413 - Becoming All That God Intended
1414 - Body Life - Part 4 - The Equipping of the Saints
1415 - Sacrificial Giving
1416 - Prerequisites to Seeing Your Life's Giftings Released
1417 - Reigniting Your Dormant Giftings
1418 - What's Hiding Under the Rocks in Your Life?
1419 - Your Life Giftings Characteristics and Problem Areas
1420 - Why People Put Off Repenting
1421 - Facing Your Fears Ironically Delivers You From Them
1422 - Body Life - Part 5 - Exhort One Another Daily
1423 - The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength
1424 - How to Really Stand on The Promises of God
1425 - A Gentle Tongue Turns Away Wrath
1426 - Looking Up Brings Down What You Desperately Need
1427 - Body Life - Part 6 - Walking in the Light We Have Fellowship
1428 - Exposing Demons by Insisting on God's Order
1429 - The Very Real Phenomena of Transference of Spirits
1430 - Spiritual Warfare Fasting
1431 - The Incredible Benfits of Fasting - Part 1
1432 - Deliverance Eliminates the Enemy's Emotional and Mental Advantage
1433 - The Incredible Benfits of Fasting - Part 2
1434 - What You Must Do For the Enemy to Really Flee
1435 - How Demons Get In - Part 1 - Family Line Sins
1436 - What it Really Means to Move in Prophetic Giftings
1437 - How Demons Get In - Part 2 - Through Deceptions
1438 - Where Would You Have Stood at Calvary
1439 - Resurrection Deliverance
1440 - Discerning the Proximity of the Demonic and Angelic
1441 - How Demons Get In - Part 3 - Through Unyielded Areas
1442 - Praise Principles - Part 1 - The Supernatural Power of Silence
1443 - How Demons Get In - Part 4 - Through Unhealthy Relationships
1444 - Can the Righteous Die Spiritually - Part 1
1445 - Utterly Repent, then Lay Your Sin at His Feet
1446 - Can the Righteous Die Spiritually - Part 2
1447 - One Day, In the Twinkling of an Eye, We Shall be Changed
1448 - Praise Principles - Part 2 - Stirring Up the Fight Within
1449 - Resist! Resist! Resist!
1450 - God's Angelic Shield
1451 - How Demons Get In - Part 5 - Through Curses
1452 - Safe and Secure from the Enemy's Plan
1453 - God's Prophetic Calendar - Part 2
1454 - How Demons Get In - Part 6 - How to Get Them Out
1455 - God's Angelic Backup When You Face-off the Enemy
1457 - Making Right Choices While Your Flesh is Screaming
1458 - In the Spirit, the Past Has No Bearing on the Future
1459 - What Must I Do to be Pleasing to You?
1460 - So, What's YOUR Excuse?!
1461 - Praise Principles - Part 4 - You're Strongest When You're Weakest
1462 - It is More Blessed to Receive than to Give
1463 - Quit Striving, Just Trust in the Lord
1464 - So What Does it Take to Find Supernatural Healing?
1465 - Staying Drenched in the Spirit - Part 1
1466 - The Daily Necessity to Access The Lords Anointing
1467 - Staying Drenched in the Spirit - Part 2
1468 offline
1469 offline
1470 - Obedience in an Area Brings Authority in a Realm
1471 - God's Rhema Word: Doorway to the Miraculous - Part 1
1472 - What Will the Millennium Be Like?
1473 - For With Such Sacrifices, God is Well Pleased
1474 - God's Rhema Word: Doorway to the Miraculous - Part 2
1475 - The Strength of Sin is the Law
1476 - God's Rhema Word: Doorway to the Miraculous - Part 3
1477 - Distinguishing the Voice of the Lord - Part 1
1478 - God's Peace: the Alternative to the Torment of Fear
1479 - Getting Past the Blindness of the Reality We See
1480 - Distinguishing the Voice of the Lord - Part 2
1481 - Seeing Earthly Things From Heaven's Perspective
1482 - Distinguishing the Voice of the Lord - Part 3
1483 - God's Glorious Incentive to Live a Repentant Life
1484 - Are You Living in the Sky or Rolling in the Mud?
1485 - Doing the "Stuff"
1486 - Resisting God Always Brings Corresponding Misery
1487 - The Eminence, Majesty, and Royalty We Are Called to in Him
1488 - Can You See the Forest for the Trees?
1489 - Mercy: the Passport to the Heavenlies
1490 - God Loves to Back Up Exploits of Faith - Part 1
1491 - God Loves to Back Up Exploits of Faith - Part 2
1492 - Learning the Language of the Spirit
1493 - Praying Down Heaven's Realities to Earth
1494 - Things That Squelch Rhema Words
1495 - How to Heal the Sick
1496 - Things that Squelch Rhema Words - Part 2
1497 - Why Signs and Wonders Must Be Part of any Outreach
1498 - Giving Thanks: The Key to Just About Everything
1499 - God's Supernatural Toolbox: the Gift of Faith

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